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Tots and Twos 

Encouraging Curiosity, Confidence, and Cooperation


Our early learning curriculum is designed for curious minds and active little bodies. We understand that during this time of peak early development, two- and three-year-olds need secure environments and stimulating experiences. In small classroom settings, our skilled teachers fill your child’s daily routine with a host of engaging activities: arts and crafts, imaginative play, language, rhyming, and counting. Regularly making independent choices and working with a group of peers helps your child gain the strong cooperation skills and confidence necessary for success in preschool and beyond.


Developmental Activities Include:

  • Q & A Time: “What?” “Why?” and “How?” are likely your toddler’s favorite words after “Me” and “Mine.” Our skilled teachers inform your child’s expanding world and blossoming language skills by encouraging his or her natural curiosity through a routine exchange of questions and answers.

  • Love of Literacy: An early love of reading helps children build a strong vocabulary, setting them up for a lifetime of engaged learning. Our patient teachers devote time daily to reading and literary reflection throughout all our early childhood education programs.

  • Growing Up Fit: Energetic two- and three-year-olds learn through movement. Our early childhood center fosters a lifelong commitment to health and fitness through fun exercises and activities that can also be practiced at home with the family.

  • Child-Friendly Classroom: The world may seem like a big place to children, but their classroom doesn’t have to be overwhelming. In our early learning program, your toddler is easily able to reach toys and supplies thanks to low, open shelves. Kids also learn to choose and then replace toys in colorful tubs and boxes labeled with photos and words.

  • Potty Training: We understand that each child potty trains at his or her own pace, so our nurturing caregivers provide a secure, supportive environment to ease the process.

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